I am very pleased to announce the long-awaited launch of my first book designed for music teachers. Everything in it is made to be as practical as possible so that you can implement any of this in your classroom easily and effectively! Here is the write-up from the back of the book:

“Have you ever wondered how to engage your students in music in an exciting and relevant way? Do you want to incorporate more improvisation, songwriting, and creativity into your practice? This book will guide you through the tried-and-true best practices for starting a rock band at your school from the first audition to the final concert and give you the practical skills you will need to become a successful rock coach. From the basics of playing each rock band instrument, to how rock music is traditionally learned and transmitted, to the step-by-step process of forming a classroom or extracurricular rock ensemble, this book has it all. Learning how to coach a rock band can take years of trial and error but this book helps you bypass that step and get right to being the best rock coach you can be. You don’t need to be a rock star to be a great rock coach! If you are new to teaching rock music or if you have lots of experience but are unsure as to where to go next, this book is for you.”
If this book is for you, it is available on all Amazon affiliated sites world-wide! Get your copy today. Also, if you are looking to hire me for workshops on anything from the book and others, please do not hesitate to contact me to ask about details.
Until next time, Happy Rockin’!